Sites which were historically used for commercial and industrial purposes frequently have environmental problems to deal with before the site can be reused. Because environmental cleanup standards were always very strict, many such sites became abandoned or underutilized and were labeled "Brownfields" sites. State and Federal initiatives have been put forward, including Pennsylvania's award winning Land Recycling Program.
RT is a leader in Brownfields and Land Recycling projects. We have already completed work at sites with PCBs, leaking tanks, and those with lead and asbestos issues. Some sites we have handled included complicated EPA/State issues, which were successfully addressed, with same sites being redeveloped for residential reuse.
For more information on brownfields and land recycling, click on the following:
- Gov. Ridge Signs "Growing Smarter" Land-Use Bills
- Fearing Cuts, States Threaten To Place More Sites On Superfund Lists
- Capping Remedial Costs - A Good Option for your Project?
- Development Pressures - They're Not Making Any More Land
- Philadelphia Jumps Onto the Land Recycling Bandwagon
- EPA Answers Questions
on Lead in Soil Cleanup Levels
RT Project Profiles:
- Act 2 Land Recycling Comes to Manheim
- Woodruff Energy Company - A New Jersey ISRA/Brownfields Success Story
- Downington, PA Project - A Brownfields and Land Recycling Success Story
Remedial Technologies used at these sites:
- Natural Attenuation
- Soil Vapor Extraction
Do you have questions on the Brownfields or Land Recycling Programs?