Groundwater Recovery 

For a major national car rental company, RT designed, permitted, and constructed a groundwater recovery and treatment system in Atlantic City. After initial pump test work, RT designed, permitted, and constructed a groundwater recovery system and pretreatment system using activated carbon. RT also operates the system and provides groundwater monitoring at the site. Cleanup has been relatively rapid, with regulatory remediation objectives achieved over an 18 month period. 

Environmental Remediation 

For a major U.S. automotive manufacturer, RT completed an environmental cleanup at a large automobile dealership that led to quick sale of the property. The project was commended as one of the first voluntary cleanup efforts in Pennsylvania. RT planned and sequenced the work so that the dealership remained open at all times.

The site survey revealed that hydraulic lifts in the service area had leaked substantially over a long period of time, and as a result, seriously contaminated soil material beneath the service area floor. It was also found that leaking oil had saturated a 12 foot high concrete bearing wall. Special underpinning techniques were used to hold up the upper portions of the bearing wall, which separated the service and sale areas and allowed removal of the oil saturated wall.

The service area itself was worked on in sections, with approximately 1/2 of the service area being initially excavated. A monitoring well was installed to make sure that groundwater was not impacted, and floor drains/sewer discharges were checked to ascertain that oil had not reached the sanitary sewer system. All new construction, including the floor drains and concrete slab expansion and control joints, was designed with 100% water stop construction.

Excavation was carefully performed over a period of four months with hundreds of tons of contaminated soil removed and transported for thermal treatment and recycling. RT summarized all work in an overall project certification report, and received regulatory agency approval that no further work was required.